To become a member

Fill out the form below by checking the New Membership, Gift Offer or Renewal box. 
Click on the Send button, the form will be received at the association’s email address.

Click on the link below to print and mail the form:
Membership form to print and mail

Cost and payment

30$ for one year.
55$ for two years.

Payment by cheque or money order payable to “Les Archambault d’Amérique” mailed to:

Mrs. Nicole Archambault Treasurer 
544, boulevard de Châteauneuf 
Boisbriand (Québec) J7G 2G8

Payment by e-mail: on your bank’s website, enter the recipient’s address:

Make a note of the code (password) that you will determine and then contact Mrs. Nicole Archambault, treasurer at to inform her of the transfer of funds and the code (password).